Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Adding an image

Adding an image to your page is more or less the same as adding links, with a few minor details different:

First, click where you want to add the image, then click on the Insert/Edit Image button:

What you see on screen may be slightly different, but the idea remains the same. Anyway, this will open up the Image Properties Dialog:

Once again, what you see may be slightly different. Now, the easiest way to add a new image is by click on the Upload tab at the top, then click Browse to browse for the picture you want to upload, and click Send to Server:

Depending on the size of your image, it can take a while before the Image uploaded successfully screen shows:

This will bring you back to this screen, but now you'll see some of the text boxes have been filled in, and you'll see an example of how your picture will look inside your text:

Now, there's all kinds of properties you can set. Here is a summary of what they do:

Alternative Text: This is a short, optional, description of the picture. You usually see this when you hover your mouse pointer over the image.

Width and Height: This is the size in pixels that the image will be displayed on screen when someone views the page. As you can see, these values are automatically filled in to the actual sizes of the image you uploaded. If you want, you can change this, but its always a good idea to have the image you are uploading be the actual size you want it to display on the site. Especially true if the image is HUGE and you make the height and width properties smaller - the image will still take quite a long time to load.

Border: if you want a border around your image.

HSpace and VSpace: This is white space around your image so that any text is not touching the image. HSpace is the space to the left and right of the image, and VSpace is the space to the top and bottom of the image. Play around with the values and see what effect it will have. (usually a value of 10 or more is a good idea)

Align: Use this if you want the picture to be "inside" your text. Also, experiment to get the best setting you want.

After you have edited the properties of the image, click the Ok button, and voila! Your image is now in your page. Just remember to save the page after making any changes!

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